Metal Umbrella x Shopify: A Sneak Peek
Last week Shopify hosted the first ever Metal Umbrella (MU) pop up event. The event featured a panel where Ali "SypherPK" Hassan and Daniela Ali spoke about the creation and development of MU, as well as provided attendees a sneak peek of our next collection: “ESSENTIALS.” The following day, fans had a chance to shop the latest collections and meet SypherPK in person. The event was held at Shopify in L.A., a 1,600-square-foot space designed to encourage and facilitate the entrepreneurs of the future.
SypherPK repping the Metal Umbrella threads! The original visionary for the style of the MU brand, this loungewear represents the kind of clothes Sypher himself always wanted to wear.
SypherPK and Daniela, the founders and boss characters of Metal Umbrella. Sypher is the company visionary, responsible for crafting the direction and identity of each new clothing collection. Daniela is the company CEO. It’s because of her that everything remains organized, efficient, and on track with Sypher’s aspirations.
The entire venue was decked out in these clean Metal Umbrella decals!
Anticipation builds for the panel. One lucky fan came away with superbowl tickets!
Fans had a chance to shop Metal Umbrella in person!
Britt, part of the MU team, prepping a mannequin with Umbrella gear.
The scene has been set for the panel!
Awesome Creators like Stable Ronaldo made an appearance. He was one of many.
Nickmercs showing his support for the launch.
Event goers lining up for a sneak peek at the newest collection dropping next month.
SypherPK and Daniela prepping for their panel.
The team, the dream.
Sypher and Daniela are ready to crush this panel! Don’t they look great?
Metal Umbrella’s leaders answer fan questions and explain the origins of the brand.
The smile of a man slowly changing the world.
The mind championing Metal Umbrella’s clothing designs: Evan Eckard.
Speaking in front of others is cake.
Violet, Sypher, and Cypher, framed by some aesthetic umbrellas!
Check it!
Cypher and Violet showed up to the event in some sweet Metal Umbrella character cosplay!
Because why wouldn’t there be some music?
Avalanche is in our corner, too!
Smile for the camera! Or just look cool, that works, too!
Oh hey, Chica! Thanks for dropping by.
Sypher and Nickmercs.
Good energy all around.
Friendly support is found in Jake Lucky!

Sypher and Stable Ronaldo together after the panel.

Thanks to Spotify in L.A. for helping us take this dream one step further!